Friday, November 14, 2008

What a morning

Friday began with a bang here at the Welton house.

While I did a quick check of email Friday morning, Samy climbed in my lap then grabbed for the placemat that was under the computer and my coffee...and as you've probably guessed, my coffee tipped perfectly onto the keyboard of the laptop :o) Thank the Lord I was using a mug with a lid on it so I only lost "a", "q" and Caps Lock. "Q" and caps lock aren't such hard things to live without, but when your name is Amanda, "a" is kind of necessary :o) This must be why Keith and I have held onto the keyboard from our old desk top computer all these years!

We headed upstairs so the kids could get dressed. I always send Isaac to go potty before he puts his clothes on and he loves to use our bathroom. He seemed to be taking longer than normal so I went to check on him, only to find him poised in front of the trashcan right next to the toilet. You can guess what he was doing :o) oh, the joy of boys!


  1. Oh my goodness! I'm laughing out loud right now! What a boy!! =) You are going to have so many stories to tell!!!

  2. Hey Amanda! I just found your blog through Matthew and Michelle's. I'll have to catch up on your entries! Good to reconnect!
